Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen
Still life with apples and jug with green algae by Jan Teunissen

Still life with apples and jug with green algae 22018

Jan Teunissen

Pittura a olioDipingere
50 ⨯ 70 ⨯ 1 cm
€ 4.200

Atelier/Galerie Jan Teunissen

  • A proposito di opere d'arte
    "Still life with apples and jug with green algae" is a painting where the style of this painter is very well expressed. An autumn scene in a dark, somewhat mystical atmosphere with attributes from the painter's own garden. The painting is painted in oil on MDF panel. 50x70x1 cm. The painting is framed floating in a matt black roughened frame. The frame also has this rough structure in the corners and contrasts nicely with the matt-gloss smooth surface of the painting itself.
  • A proposito di opere artista

    Jan Teunissen (1949) è cresciuto a Zeelst, vicino a Eindhoven. Jan attualmente vive e lavora nella vicina Best. In gran parte come autodidatta, è diventato esperto nell'arte della pittura realistica.

    I dipinti ad olio di Jan sono caratterizzati da un altissimo livello di realtà. Si tratta spesso di nature morte in un'atmosfera di chiaroscuro. La luce e l'ombra giocano un ruolo importante. Inoltre, dipinge oggetti grandi quasi esattamente come sono in realtà. Si tratta spesso di oggetti quotidiani, del nostro giardino. Nei suoi dipinti si concentra sui più piccoli dettagli e riflessioni. Questo amore e attenzione si riflettono chiaramente nel suo lavoro.

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