'Homme agenouillé tenant une coupe' 1928 - 1932
Artiste Inconnu
34 ⨯ 28 cm
Prix sur demande
Dille Art
- Sur l'oeuvre d'art
Beautiful pencil drawing by Jan and Joël Martel, this drawing is an elaborate design for one of the reliefs for the monument to Claude Debussy. In the period 1919-1932 the brothers worked on this monument in collaboration with the architect Jean Burkhalter (also Joël's brother-in-law). Originally it was to be placed in Saint-Germain, but it was eventually placed along Boulevard Lannes in Paris (1932). It can still be admired there. Their monument has been criticized for its modern, some say radical, designs. In 1923 they already showed a smaller version at the Salon d'Automne. The series of reliefs, for which this drawing is a design, were based on the music of Debussy, especially the work "Le Martyre de Saint-Sèbastien". The male figure that appears in almost all drawings and reliefs is based on the dancer/philosopher François Malkovsky and the dancer/photographer Jean Borlin. It is drawn on paper. The drawing is very beautiful and detailed with a beautiful stylization. This drawing was probably made in the period 1928-1932, as can be seen from the light shadows and the strong stylization. The work is not signed in pencil but has a poorly legible studio stamp "Atelier Martel". Dimensions: Drawing: Length: 14.5cm (5.71") Width: 9cm (3.54") List: Length: 34cm (13.39") Width: 28cm (11.02")
- Sur l'artiste
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