Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu
Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu
Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu
Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu
Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu
Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu
Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu
Scarface Scrooge by Artiste Inconnu

Scarface Scrooge 2023

Artiste Inconnu

80 ⨯ 80 cm
€ 3.450

CJS Gallery

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    Artist: Art by Son
    Title: Scarface Scrooge
    technique: original image / painted all around / mixed media
    Size: 80x80 cm
    Edition: 1/1

    In the realm of pop culture, few characters hold as iconic status as Scrooge McDuck, the famously wealthy duck from the Disney comics, and Tony Montana, the ruthless drug lord portrayed by Al Pacino in the 1983 film "Scarface." These two figures, seemingly worlds apart, have been brought together in a captivating artwork titled "Scarface Scrooge."

    This hand-painted creation, measuring 80x80 cm, is a testament to the artist's mastery of technique and imagination. The painting seamlessly blends the distinct characteristics of Scrooge and Tony, creating a visually arresting fusion that sparks intrigue and admiration.

    Scrooge's signature white tuxedo and top hat are juxtaposed with Tony's iconic white suit, creating a harmonious blend of elegance and power. The artist has meticulously captured the details of both characters, from Scrooge's bushy eyebrows to Tony's gold chains, ensuring that each element contributes to the overall authenticity of the artwork.

    The painting's background is awash in a vibrant orange hue, reminiscent of the Miami setting of "Scarface." This color choice adds a touch of flamboyance and further emphasizes the fusion of these two larger-than-life figures.

    "Scarface Scrooge" is more than just a creative mash-up; it's a thought-provoking exploration of the nature of ambition, wealth, and the pursuit of power. By merging these two iconic characters, the artist invites viewers to examine the complexities of human desire and the consequences of unchecked ambition.

    This one-of-a-kind artwork is not merely a piece of pop art; it's a conversation starter, a catalyst for reflection, and a testament to the enduring power of storytelling across different mediums. It's an artwork that deserves to be admired for its artistry, its originality, and its ability to spark meaningful dialogue.
  • Sur l'artiste

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