Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu
Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty by Artiste Inconnu

Chinese carnelian agate vase or brush washer, 18th/19th century, Qing dynasty 1720 - 1820

Artiste Inconnu

7.80 ⨯ 9.50 ⨯ 5.50 cm
ConditionMinor damages
Prix sur demande

Menken Works of Art

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    A fine Chinese red carnelian agate ‘tree trunk’ vase or washer.
    Qing dynasty, 18th-19th century.

    Cleverly hollowed out and carved in relief as a section of a tree trunk, the exterior with gnarled leafy tree branches issuing peaches, flanked by two lingzhi and a bat flying in upward motion.

    Bat (fu 蝠), peach (tao 桃), and fungus (lingzhi 靈芝) combined make a rebus: “May your heart be filled with intelligence when blessings arrive” (fuzhi xinling 福至心靈). The saying literally means “May you be inspired when blessings arrive.” In this instance, the peach has a cleft, giving it a heart-shaped (xin 心) appearance. Thus the peach symbolizes a person’s heart. The fungus (lingzhi 靈芝) is a pun for “intelligence” (ling 靈).

    The heart symbolization is emphasized by the overall carving which, besides depicting a tree trunk, also closely resembles the human heart-shape, adding a different layer to the overall quality of the piece. The symbolism is especially expressed when held against the light (see photo 2 and 4) whereby the natural veining and inclusions of the stone become beautifully visible.

    Compare with other carvings bearing close resemblance, but of red and white agate:
    National Palace Museum Taipei, image number K1D000778N000000000PAB
    The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, accession Number: 02.18.868
    Sotheby’s New York, 28 September 2021, lot 846
    Christie’s New York, 23-24 Mar 2023, lot 1284
    Bonhams London, 23 September 2015, lot 269

    Bartholomew, Terese Tse - Hidden Meanings in Chinese Art p. 26, nr. 1.1.16

    Height 7.8 cm, width 9.5 cm, depth 5.5 cm.

    A small chip to the base rim and one peach broken off.

    Inv. No: MW50
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