A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu
A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) by Artiste Inconnu

A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure, 19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar) 19th century

Artiste Inconnu

ConditionVery good
€ 950

Menken Works of Art

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    A Shan-Burmese bronze Buddha figure.
    19th century, Shan states, Burma (Myanmar).

    The figure sits cross-legged in Bhumisparsa mudra pose on a tall, tiered throne, cast with elongated features often seen among Shan Buddha images. The ears elongated and reaching to the shoulders. As such they are a reminder of the Buddha’s princely origins.

    The Buddha wears the robes of a monk. They have been embellished with some border decoration – incised after casting, and are adorned with multiple sashes. The right shoulder has been left bare.
    The figure sits on a high, tiered throne. Such thrones are characteristic to Burmese and Shan Buddha thrones. Old sticker to the back saying ‘19th century’ in Dutch.

    Old Dutch private collection

    Height 22 cm, width 13.5 cm, depth 8 cm.

    Very good condition with a fine patina.

    Inv. No: MW76
  • Sur l'artiste

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