David Bowie for the cover of his album Heathen by Markus Klinko
David Bowie for the cover of his album Heathen by Markus Klinko
David Bowie for the cover of his album Heathen by Markus Klinko
David Bowie for the cover of his album Heathen by Markus Klinko

David Bowie for the cover of his album Heathen 2002

Markus Klinko

C-printFotografische druk
61 ⨯ 61 cm
Momenteel niet beschikbaar via Gallerease

  • Over kunstenaar
    Markus Klinko was born in 1961, Switzerland, and is currently known as an international celebrity and fashion photographer and director.

    He has worked with today's most iconic stars of film, music and fashion. Klinko spent his early years training to become a classical harp soloist.

    After a hand injury in 1994, he decided to become a fashion photographer and retired from his concert and recording career.