Broche hollandaise ancienne au design inhabituel avec des diamants en filigrane et taillés en rose 1850
Artiste Inconnu
€ 4.750
Adin Fine Antique Jewellery
- Sur l'oeuvre d'art
This 14K yellow gold Victorian brooch -also wearable as a pendant- is crafted out of frills of filigree and granules, which chaperone you to the picturesque province of Zeeland in the Netherlands of 1850.Two outer contours of a total of 32 rose cut diamonds set on foil follow the oval shape of this antique jewel as a shimmering aura around the central arrangement of 23 rose cut diamonds scintillating from their foil-setting.
Antique jewelry object group: brooch
Condition: good condition (some old repair work on the back that we found good enough and not diminishing its value)
- (more info on our condition scale)
Country of origin:Although it does not carry any legible control marks we believe this to be of Dutch origin.
Style: Victorian - Victorian decorative arts refers to the style of decorative arts during the Victorian era. The Victorian era is known for its eclectic revival and interpretation of historic styles and the introduction of cross-cultural influences from themiddle east and Asia in furniture, fittings, and Interior decoration. Victorian design is widely viewed as having indulged in a regrettable excess of ornament. The Arts and Crafts movement, the aesthetic movement, Anglo-Japanese style, and Art Nouveaustyle have their beginnings in the late Victorian era.
- See also: Victorianor more info on styles
Period: ca. 1850
- (events and facts in 1850)
Material: 14K yellow gold
- (more info on precious metals)
Technique: The rose cuts are set on foil. This is a special technique that was used to bring the lustre of the diamonds to its best quality.
More information: Dutch regional jewellery has a distinctive look and easily recognisable for the trained eye. What's interesting about this brooch, which is has hooks at the back so it also can be worn as a pendant, is that it's richly embellished with rose cut diamonds.
To us, this brooch is typically for Zeeland, the most southern province at the shore of the Netherlands. Except for the diamonds: they indicate that it was made especially for a very rich woman from Zeeland. The marvelous combination of filigree and granule work with rose cut diamonds is very unusual; something we haven't seen before.
Diamonds: No less than 55 rose cut diamonds and senailles. A senaille is a simplified rose cut diamond, a small diamond chip with perhaps a few polished facets. We do not have the weight of the rose cuts diamonds nor the senailles which is normal in our trade when it comes to rose cut diamonds and senailles.
Birthstones: Diamond is the birthstone (or month stone) for April.
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Hallmarks: No trace.
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Dimensions: 4,73 cm (1,86 inch) x 3,63 cm (1,43 inch)
Weight: 16.90 gram (10.87 dwt)
Reference Nº: 13150-0014
Copyright photography: Adin, fine antique jewelry
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