A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu
A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 by Artiste Inconnu

A small German polychrome striking and alarm wall clock, circa 1860 1860

Artiste Inconnu

11.50 ⨯ 8 ⨯ 8 cm
Actuellement indisponible via Gallerease

  • Sur l'oeuvre d'art
    5.5-cm enamel dial with Roman numerals and polychrome porcelain surround with a landscape, blued steel Breguet hands and brass alarm disc, 30-hour weight driven movement with anchor escapement, countwheel half hour striking and alarm on a bell, wooden case with doors to the sides, hoop and spurs.

    This lovely small clock was made in the tradition of the Sorg clocks which were made a few decades earlier. This example is smaller than most of its contemporaries. It was fully overhauled an runs and strikes perfectly.
  • Sur l'artiste

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