Jean-Sylvain Bailly

1736 - 1793

About the artist

Jean-Sylvain Bailly (1736, Paris – 1793, Paris) was a French astronomer, known for his computation of an orbit for Halley’s Comet (1759) and for his studies of the satellites of Jupiter. He entered to the Académie des Sciences in 1763. His major works include Essai sur la théorie des satellites de Jupiter (1766; Essay on the theory of Jupiters’satellites) and Mémoires sur les inégalité’s de la lumière des satellites de Jupiter (1771; Memoirs on the uneven illumination of Jupiter’s satellites). In 17775 he wrote a widely spread history of astronomy: Histoire de l’astronomie ancienne depuis son origine jusqu’`a l’ établissement de l’École d’Alexandrie (History of ancient astronomy from its origin tot he establishment of the School of Alexandria). He was chosen president of the third estate (representing the majority of the people) of the États Généraux (Estates-General). He was proclaimed the first mayor of Paris in 1789, but he lost soon popularity. Bailly retired in 1891 and moved to Nantes in 1792, where he wrote his Mémoires d’un témoin de la Révolution (Memoirs of a witness of the Revolution). In 1793 he was arrested and taken before a revolutionary tribunal in Paris on November 10. He was guillotined on November 12.

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