Hans Parlevliet

1953 -

Uber den Künstler

Hans Parlevliet is a Dutch painter. He was born in Groningen and in that city went to Academy Minerva, an art academy, from 1974 until 1980, where he graduated Cum Laude. In the 80s, he made illustrations on assignment, together with Herman Tulp, a former fellow student. In the beginning of the 90s he began making paintings. Parlevliet mainly paints landscapes, almost always with low sunlight and a long horizon, characteristic for North Netherlands. He works with bright colours and often a symmetrical composition. The paintings are detailed and the ground often continues until just before the eyes of the spectator. His style can be described as Contemporary Realism. Often there was a cow in his paintings, but in his more recent work the landscapes are vacant. Sometimes Parlevliet makes still lives, often with porcelain, fruit and a white sheet.

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